Spy vs spy!
Brad Bart had a fun hand in the Open semi-final.
Brad (South) was in four hearts. West led the jack of diamonds. Brad made the great play of ducking, tried to put West to the guess as to what to do next. However East saw right through him and won the trick with the ace.
At Trick 2 East played the ace of the spades then the queen of spades, in order to keep the lead. However West had other ideas, Believed East had the singleton diamond ace. Over took the queen of spades with the king, in a split second fired back a low diamond for partner to ruff. Brad put in the nine of diamonds, much to West’s disappointment East followed with a diamond spot card! Just as fast Brad faced his cards and claimed.
In the Senior Teams final, it will be team Smith vs Flock.
In the Open final between Gartaganis and McMullin. After 60 boards it is still a very close match. 170-163 Gartaganis had a useful lead of 7 imps.