Mike Yuen — Mike talks about bridge

More Winners.

The IMP PairsĀ 

1. Piotr Kimowicz and Dan Jacob.


Dan Jacob and Piotr Kimowicz.

2. Ina Demme and Bill Kertes.


Bill Kertes and Ina Demme.

3. John Carruther and Joe Silver.

Playing the Open pairs, in a four card ending I had four of a kind. Wish I was playing Poker.


Overheard at the bar.

Roche “You know what they say about guys with big shoes?”

Yuen “What do they say?”

Roche “They have big feet”

CNTC winners :


Rock Shi Yan, Bryan Maksymetz, Gray McMullin, Tom Walsh, Samantha Nystrom.

Chartwell CSTC winners :

Dave Smith, Fred Lerner, Doran Flock, Michael Schoenborn.

Canadian Open Pairs Championship :


Dan Jacob and Piotr Kimowicz.

Congratulations to all.

Delores Hedley

Delores Hedley

A big THANK YOU goes to Delores Hedley, Frank Ayer and all the volunteers for the wonderful hospitality.




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