High Wire Act
I played the Mitchell Open BAM Teams with Michael Cassel, Steven Gaynor and Barry Purrington, friends from Minneapolis, Minnesota area.
How did we do you asked? There was a fouled board in our section, though no fault of our own we somehow lost 1/2 a board. So we qualified for the Compact KO the next day.
Playing the KO. Mike Cassel and I had nice auction to win a game swing.
Board 23. Dealer South. Both vulnerable.
Mike was North and I was South.
The auction.
The deal.
The key to the deal was Cassel’s decision not to try 3NT, instead to show the useful Jack of Diamonds. I lost the two major suit Aces, Made 11 tricks for +600.
At the other table our opponents played 3NT by North, on a low Spade lead was quickly down two -200.
We won 13 imps.
In the Mixed Pairs Final, MC gave new meaning to intentionally dumping when she slept past game time, left her partner without a game.
We accomplished one more item on the ‘impossible’ list – in a B-A-M event, went plus at both tables but still lost the board!
I enjoyed it all anyway! Keep up the good blog work.
Thanks guys. It was lots of fun playing with you. Lets do it again soon.