Mike Yuen — Mike talks about bridge

Bridge Winners Meetup

While in San Francisco, it was a treat to visit with the movers and shakers of the Bridge Winners at their early morning meet and greet.

They are working on a new look for their site and all suggestions from those present were much appreciated.

L to R: Steve Weinstein, Gavin Wolpert, Helen Chang, Eugene Hung, Polly Siegle, Greg Humphreys and Jason Feldman.




Judy Kay-WolffDecember 4th, 2012 at 3:57 pm


I am sorry I never got a chance to greet you in person in SF. Now that I think about it there was some familiar face I saw across the room but could not place. I just figured out it must have been you. I enjoy your human interest stories and approach to blogging.



MichaelDecember 4th, 2012 at 5:24 pm

Hi Judy and Bobby,

Was looking out for you two also. The first day they oversold the Mixed, June and I had to play in another room. By the time the 2nd day came around we were in tough for the overall.

Till next time, happy bridge.


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