Mike Yuen — Mike talks about bridge

Sweet taste of success.

Switzerland is well known for it’s fine chocolate and sweet pastries.  Last week while enjoying a cup of tea and a delicious pastry, I watched this hand unfold at the US Women Bridge Championship.


Chocolate shop

Chocolate shop

In the match for USA 1, between Moss (Sylvia Moss, Judi Radin, Jo Anna Stansby and Migry Zur Campanile.) vs Sprung (JoAnn Sprung, Janet Robertson, Cynthia Balderson, Carol Miner, Cindy Bernstein and Sally Wheeler.) 

Migry-North declared the following hand masterfully with sweet technics.

Final USA 1. Segment 5 of 6. In the Open room.

Board 74. Dealer East. All Vul.


The lead was the five, ace, 2, six. At trick 2,  Migry made the key play of a heart. The scissors coup, in effect cut the transportation between the defenders for a future club ruff. ♥ four, nine, king, ace. Wheeler found the club switch, seven, king, ace, three. 

But it was too late,  from this point on the danger hand -East could not gain the lead, Migry was able to take the spade finesse in safety and in fullness of time made 10 tricks for +620.

At the Closed room, this was the auction.


West North East South
    pass 1
 1  dbl 2 4
all pass       


South became the declarer.

West led ace, three, two, eight. Switched to   two, three, jack, nine. At trick three, Declarer played four, five, ten, king. West found the  ten, king, ace, four.

At trick 5, East wasted no time in giving West a club ruff, seven, king, seven, four. Beat the contract of four spades by one trick for +100.

+620 in the Open room and +100 in the Closed room gave the Moss team 12 imps.

The Moss team went on to win this match 221-175. Will represent the USA, compete for the Venice Cup in Veldhoven in the Netherland this fall.

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