Day two in Philly
The day started with so much promise for Angela Fenton and I. Then things started to go sideways in the Mixed Pair. We got punished for all the little mistakes.
This was one of those rare bright spots.
2nd session. Board 5. Dealer North. N-S Vul.
As South you held ♠ 972 ♥ 932 ♦ AK6 ♣ A1082
Parter open 1 Club, Pass to you, what would you bid?
West | North | East | South |
1♣ | Pass | 2NT | |
Pass | Pass | Pass |
Angela found the good bid of 2NT even without stoppers in the majors.
The hands were.
Vul: N-S |
♠ K1054 ♥ K5 ♦ 102 ♣ KQ763 |
♠ Q63 ♥ AJ107 ♦ J54 ♣ J95 |
♠ AJ8 ♥ Q864 ♦ Q9873 ♣ 4 |
♠ 972 ♥ 932 ♦ AK6 ♣ A1082 |
West led Jack of Hearts, with the Ace onside there were 8 tricks for the taking and most of the match points.
Oh well to-morrow is another day.
Hi Michael:
It was indeed a fortuitous result.
I used to play inverted minors (which is perfect for this hand) and solves the first problem — but alas, no more. Bobby won’t play my old KS system with me. Had South been able to bid 2C (forcing), North could have rebid
2N with south passing and played
from the right side. Another possibility is 1D but that would place South as declarer as well,
pleading for a heart lead (bad). Guess I am just old fashioned. I despise bidding 1NT with three little in each major. That’s what happens when you get old — although I am far from a fraidy cat at the table under normal
However, here’s to happy endings!