Mike Yuen — Mike talks about bridge

The kirkwood Trophy

The Kirkwood Trophy was established in 1966 to honor the bridge player in D19 (Washington, British Columbia and Alaska) who did the best during each calendar year thereafter. For the first few years it was awarded to the player from District 19 who won the most points without regard to what tournaments were included. However, when the District welcomed World Champion Paul Soloway as a resident of Washington State, it was soon decided that the trophy should be awarded based solely on performances at D19 Regionals. 

This year’s contest was decided at the Vancouver Regional this November. Pat Dunn, Bellevue WA. clinched the trophy when he and I, won the Open Pairs on Friday. It is the second year in a row that Pat has won this trophy! That is quite an achievement, considering the large numbers of good players that lives in this area. 

The following hand contributed towards Pat’s success.

Open Pairs. Afternoon session. Board 33. Dealer North. None Vulnerable. 


West Michael East Pat
Q106 A875
Q96 A10
J AKQ10732


This was the auction.


West North East South
  1 DBL 2
3 Pass 3NT Pass
Pass Pass    


When South found the low spade lead, Pat was on his way to making five no trumps for a great score. Making eleven tricks, +460 was good for 24- match points out of 26.

These were the hands.



Dealer: North

Vul: None

West Michael East Pat
Q106 A875
Q96 A10
J AKQ10732


Congratulations Pat, for a great year and wish you many more to come. Thanks for the enjoyable game.

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