Wild things.
At the recent Victoria Regional, I was south and held the following hand in the second round of a KO match.
♠ 8 ♥ AKQJ10976 ♦ AQ73 ♣ Void
Non Vulnerable. Dealer East.
East opened the bidding with 1♣.
What would you bid with my hand?
I was also worried about what the opponents can make on this hand, are they cold for a spade game or slam. I didn’t want to give them room to investigate.
I bid six hearts at the table. I didn’t see any easy way to find out if partner had the right hand for slam. I just hope that partner has one useful card, either the spade ace or the diamond king. Or maybe diamond jack, ten with a heart entry.
Dummy had,
♠ Q10763 ♥ 3 ♦ K852 ♣ J62
diamond broke 3-2 so I made 12 tricks for a slam swing.
At the other table, the player with my hand made a takeout double and bid heart and more heart, ended in five hearts.
6 hearts:)
Making if partner has diamond king.
Good defence against 5 spades by oppos making, if partner has nothing.
Silly bid on a bad day, when nothing makes. Still, I dont mind looking silly from time to time 🙂
I would have bid 6 h