Mike Yuen — Mike talks about bridge

Bali Day 4

It is Friday, morning came too early as we started play at 10!

We played Japan 2.28-17.72 VPs. On BBO against France 3.27-16.73. Last match played the host country Indonesia 2.8-17.2.

We took our eye off the ball and got killed. We know we need to pull up our socks from now on.

Went to Nyoman Beer Garden for dinnen, just as the name said the place looked like a beer garden. Great food and the team was in good sprite. Boris was in great form telling jokes. Gave me hope for the morrow.

This deal play by Duboin – Sementa was amazing. They got to the club slam on a 4-3 fit.

Round 11. Board 27. Dealer South none vulnerable.


The other table go to 3NT with over tricks.





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