A well played hand.
Nicolas Lecuyer and Kamel Fergani of the Canadian Open Team were in action on this hand played on BBO.
North |
♠ AQ73 |
♥ 742 |
◊ Q95 |
West |
♣ J72 |
East |
♠ J4 |
♠ 109852 |
♥ QJ1096 |
♥ 53 |
◊ AJ4 |
◊ 103 |
♣ K94 |
South |
♣ 10653 |
♠ K6 |
♥ AK8 |
◊ K8642 |
♣ AQ8 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
pass |
1D |
1H |
pass |
2NT |
pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
Dealer East. NS Vul.
Nicolas (North) and Kamel (South) conducted a sensible auction to 3NT. The opening lead by West was the heart queen. Kamel ducked this and West continued heart jack to Declarer’s king. Kamel led the diamond two, four, nine and east won the 10. Five of club came back and Kamel played the ace. Played the diamond four, jack, queen, three. Diamond five, spade two, six and ace. West now cashed the club king and Kamel claimed nine well played tricks, well earned plus 400.