Best Laid Plans…
At the recent Vancouver Sectional Open Pairs. Session 1, Dealer East. North-South vulnerable. This board generated alot of buzz.
Many North-South pairs played either in 6, 7 Hearts or 6, 7 Spades. Some even played the slams doubled. Litwin and Ballantyne made the grand slam redoubled for +2940. They thought they had a clear top til I played the board.
Some East-West pairs found the 7 Clubs sacrifice and earned their good score. Only one North-South Pair went down in the grand doubled.
Playing with a friend, I was West. Held : ♠ Q ♥ Void ♦ J109754 ♣ Q86532
The board :
The play went considerably quicker then the auction. The lead was the Diamond Ace, all followed. Before I could utter a sound. North played one of his many Spades. I gratefully ruffed it, at the same time threw my hand on the table and said “Draw trumps and claim.”
Down 12 doubled not vulnerable was -3200, netted a TOP for our opponents.
However it was mildly disappointing that the defenders denied me the pleasure of going down all 13 tricks!
For what it’s worth, I think you made a great bid.
So, if 2N was both minors, what was East smoking?
The best part of the whole incident was that you got a great story to write up. We were happy to oblige. Thanks for the smiles, and for your elegant claim.
East must have thought 2NT was for the two lower unbid suits, so hearts and diamonds? But that’s inconsistent with his 4C bid, so I guess he was on some really good stuff.
Michael is always on the really good stuff 🙂 Happy New Year all !
I knew when I bid 5 Hearts that may have been construed as natural. But…..
Funny hand. 7M only makes when it’s played by the NS hand with the short trump holding.
Some hand!