Bali Day 6 – How to spend $100 in 60 seconds.
To-day we played Egypt 20-0 VPs Then Australia 11.5-8.5 VPs and last match Scotland 8-12 VPs.
There was much excitement with our appeal hearing, it was the match against South Africa.
RR 15. Board 2. Dealer East. N-S vulnerable.
The auction :
North DBL-negative.
This was what happened at the table. David (North) Robert (South). they play 2/1 UDCA.
The contract was 4♠ DBL by West.
The lead was ♣ 10, ace, 3 and 2. ♠ 10, jack, queen and 7. ♠ ace, ♥ 7, 5, king.
Trick 4. West played the ♦ jack, David hesitated then play the ♦ 6 a count card, 2 and the king.
Trick 5. Robert played the ♦ 3, 9, David with the queen, 4.
Trick 6. David (under led from the ♥ ace,) the ♥ 4, declarer guessed to play the jack, lost to the queen.
Robert cashed out and defeated 4 ♠ DBL, 3 tricks for +500.
At the end of the hand, dummy called for the police. The director ruled down 2 because the BIT made it more likely that North would have the ♦ Queen. If Robert had cashed the ♦ ace first then declarer would most likely get the hearts right.
Robert said David had to have the ♦ queen and ♥ ace for the negative double, BIT or not. He also knew there would be a heart guess, decided not to show his hand by cashing out first before putting David in.
We appealed and the hearing was short, no more then a minute. The appeal committee ruled against us and kept the money.
To-morrow we have three more chances for glory. It will be exciting right down to the wire.
Wow, not only they made a quick bad ruling but they kept the money ?!
The AC didn’t consider the bridge logic for the play:(