Bali Day 2
At Breakfast Boris told me that he has not been feeling well and best we sit him out for the day.
We play four handed against China Hong Kong 12-8 VPs. Next was Denmark 15-4.8 VPs. Last match we played Belgium 5.6-14 VPs.
Dan and Jurek Vs Denmark bid and made 6♠ to gain 11 IMPs.
Round 5. Board 1. Dealer North. None vulnerable.
2♠ – 5♠ + minor, 6-10.
The lead was King of Clubs, Dan (North) ruffed. played Ace of hearts and a heart. As he needed tricks. Later on played West for the queen of trumps Because in the auction East made a takeout double over North’s two spade opening.
At the end of a long day, I was exhausted, so I can imagine how tired our guys must be after three matches. I am very proud of their performance.