Wham Bang, Thank You Very Much.
Here I was minding my own business sitting with Pony at the bridge table in the Swiss. In came the partnership of Ron Pachtman and Clara Hetz. (Israel)
Board 11. Dealer South. None vulnerable.
They had this auction. Ron was North and Clare South.
2♣ = strong. 2♦ = waiting. 4NT = keycard ask. 5♦ =3/0.
The lead was the ♠ 4.
The North South hands : (rotated to make declarer South.)
Ron won the trump lead in his hand. Tried to sneak the ♥ jack past Pony. Not so fast she said as she won with the ace. She continued the trump attack with the ♠ 9. The ♠ Q won in dummy. Next came ♣ 3, 9, ruff with the ♠ 3, 6.
Trick 4, he played the ♥ 8, 9, ruff it with the ♠ 8, 6. Ruff a club off dummy with his ♠ jack. Drew the last outstanding trump with the ♠ king. Cashed the two high hearts. East discarded the last heart and a diamond.
At trick 11. He advanced the ♠ ace, West was squeezed between Clubs and diamonds. Pony bared the ♦ king. Reading the situation perfectly, Ron cashed the ♦ ace to drop the king. The ♦ queen was the slam going trick.
The three card ending :
The full deal :
Very well played but who invited them to our table anyway?