Super Size Me.
“Super size me” was a movie about Morgan Spurlock eating only at McDonald’s for 30 days. He gained 11.1 Kg!
Here in Oostende most restaurants that I have been to, must have taken a page out of McDonald’s, their servings are humongous!
Think is best I order a salad for dinner to-morrow.
Berthold Engel (Luxemboug) and Claudia Vechiatto (Germany) bid and play the following board very well.
Mixed Pairs. Round 9. Board 30. Dealer East. None Vul.
Berthold as South held : ♠ AQJ42 ♥ AKQJ108 ♦ ♣ K5
This was their auction :
1♣ =17+. 2♣ = 5 controls. Aces 2, kings 1.
The lead was ♦ 10.
You see this dummy : ♠ 976 ♥ 943 ♦ AKQ3 ♣ A98
How would you play 7NT?
Berthold won with the ace of diamonds, played two more winning diamonds. Discarded three spades from hand, got the diamond count. Next he run five heart winners, discarded two spades from dummy.
At thick 9 he cashed the ace of spades, in preparation for a compound squeeze against both opponents. If the king of spades didn’t drop then the last heart would have squeezed his LHO in diamonds and clubs. Squeezed against his RHO in spades and clubs.
The full deal :
Made 13 tricks for a great score. As many declarers took the losing spade finesse and went down.