Belgium size me.
In North America we are used to super sizes. Houses are bigger, cars are bigger. Everything is bigger compare to the rest of the world.
Am in Ostend, Belgium for the 6th European Open Bridge Championship. The hotel I am staying at is large by local standard, however is still the size of a stamp from my view. It has everything I need, free breakfast, wifi, fridge and in room tea and coffee.
Jim Mahaffey playing with Judy Radin (Both USA) in the Mixed pairs did a good thing on Board 9. Dealer North. E-W vulnerable.
Hands rotated to make declarer South.
AS West you hold : ♠ 764 ♥ 1097 ♦ K875 ♣ A92
Against 4♠ (you and partner pass throughout in the auction.) You led the ♥ 10.
You see this dummy : ♠ A ♥ A32 ♦ AQ643 ♣ K1075
Jim won with the Ace of hearts. Cashed the ace of spades. At trick 3, called for the King of clubs from dummy. It went low, low to you. What would you do?
This defender thought Jim was trying to create an entry to his hand with the queen of clubs, ducked.
These were the North-South hands.
Made 12 tricks for a nice score.
Cute hand. Thanks for the photos.
Your photos are just fantastic. When you get home, I can use an email lesson on what you use and how you get them on your site. Hope you are having a super time and sympathize with your space problems. Been there, done that!
Hi Judy, Will email you when I get home.
Thanks Dave, trust you are well.
Thanks, Michael:
No rush. Whenever you have time will be great.