Mike Yuen — Mike talks about bridge

Gone biking

I needed a break from bridge, rented a bike from the sport center for the day. Sure feels great to get away from it all.

Eric Kokish & David Sokolow-USA 2

Eric Kokish & David Sokolow-USA 2


Kaiser, Strater, Kratz, Schinze & Klumpp-Germany

Kaiser, Strater, Kratz, Schinze & Klumpp-Germany


Sharyn Reus & Dianna Gordon

Sharyn Reus & Dianna Gordon


Herman De Wael-3 beer guy

Herman De Wael-3 beer guy


Micke Melander-anything you can do, I can do better

Micke Melander-anything you can do, I can do better

Back at the Venice Cup Quarter Final 3/6 set. China had a good run 58-20 imps against France. The following deal helped.


At the other table South never bid spades, supported diamond instead. Ended up defending four hearts doubled. Beat it one for +100.

The Chinese won 11 imps on this board.

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