Mike Yuen — Mike talks about bridge

Undo please!

The other evening playing Teams at the local club. I picked up the following hand.

Void AKQ876543 Void AKJ8

While thinking what I should bid. My left hand opponent, the dealer bid 1 , partner 1 , pass to me.

What would you bid?

Suddenly the light came on, I could bid 2 , then over partner’s response, I could key card ask in hearts. Over partner’s response, I could bid 6 to ask about his third round control in clubs. If he had the queen of clubs, we be in the grand slam in hearts otherwise we be in the small slam. Brilliant.

There was a small problem, after my 2 it went all pass!

My left hand opponent led a banana. Dummy hit with K9867 9 AJ1085 Q5

I sheepishly claimed all 13 tricks. I must say It was a record for me, never had +260.

“Sorry partner, misclick.”

At the other table, the simple guy with me hand just jumped to 6 made seven.


Steve GaynorOctober 4th, 2011 at 8:17 pm

I play new suit non-forcing but constructive, advancing partner’s overcall. I may have rebid 3D with your partner’s hand. With your hand we play that a cue-bid followed by a new suit would be 100% forcing. Fun hand!

MichaelOctober 5th, 2011 at 11:52 pm

To be fair to my partner, we play new suit constructive, non-forcing. 2H was a good idea at the time 🙂

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