Keeping it simple.
by Mike Yuen on
September 25th, 2011
Vancouver Island is well known for it’s bridge community. This year is no exception. Out of the eighteen Canadian players going to the 40th World Team Championships in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Five of the players are from the Island! Michael Roche, Mike Hargreaves and James McAvoy in the Bermuda Bowl. Karen Cumpstone and Sandra Fraser in the Venice Cup.
The boys were having fun on BBO this afternoon.
Board 4. IMPS. West dealer. All vulnerable.
Hargreaves-West and McAvoy-East bid to a very nice small slam to earn their side 12 imps.
Even though Hargreaves didn’t make a forwarding move over his 4♣ bid. McAvoy looking at both black aces knew partner must have at least one red ace for his opening bid. He Jumped to six clubs to offer a choice of slam, at the same time protecting any red suit values West may have.
There was nothing to the play, 12 tricks and +1370.
At the other table the East-West pair played in 4♠ making 11 tricks for +650.
Veel geluk jongens in de wereld.