Mike Yuen — Mike talks about bridge

Going the distance

I participated in the 26th annual Vancouver 10K Sun Run on Sunday. This year there were 51,419 runners, making this Canada’s largest ten kilometer run. Besides being a fun time for all, over the years the Sun Run also raised over $2.5 millions for charity.

The first runner to cross the finish line-kip Kangogo of Lethbridge, Alberta, took only 29.02 minutes. I on the other hand took over 2 hours! But then as all true bridge players know, “It’s not whether you win or lose, it is how you play the game”~Grantland Rice.

It was a test for my stamina, fitness and will. After hitting the wall at the 7k mark, it was reward enough just to finish the run.



 I am the guy in the white T-shirt

I am the guy in the white T-shirt



After countless number of matches, with fifteen teams in the event. Our marathon IMP League which started in September last year, has reached the KO stage.

Last week with the finishing line in sight, Team Stock (Brad Bart, David Breton, Nick Stock, Les Fouks, Mike Strebinger and I) played our first KO match. 

The following hand contributed to our team’s success.   

Board 26. East dealer. All vulnerable.


Dealer: East

Vul: All

West East
J9853 4
10 J54
Q8 AKJ1097
AKQJ10 542


At table 1. David-East and Nick-West. This was the auction.



West North East South
    2 2
3 3 Pass Pass
3 Pass 5 Pass
Pass Pass    


Both David and Nick won the board for us with their excellent auction. 

North led the spade king, South overtaking to cash the heart ace. Soon after Nick was able to draw trumps in four rounds and claimed eleven trick for +600.


At table 2. Brad-North and Michael- South. This was the auction.


West North East South
    2 2
3 3 Pass 4
Pass Pass Pass  


West led the club ace, three, two and seven. Club king, six, five and ruffed with heart three. Heart ace, ten, two and four. I continued with heart six, West discarded the spade three, king and five.

At this point I paused to consider the hand, RHO had nine cards in hearts and diamonds, therefore LHO was long in clubs and spades. Unlikely the spade suit would break 3-3.

I played the diamond two from dummy, king, five and eight. East played the heart jack, queen, club ten, nine. Diamond six, queen, three and nine. West tried club queen, eight, five and I ruffed with heart seven.

This was the five card ending.


Dealer: East

Vul: All

West East
J985 4



As I played the heart eight, West was squeezed between spades and clubs. If he discarded a spade my long spade in hand would be good. If he discarded the club jack, then Dummy’s club nine would be good.

Made ten tricks for +620 added that to +600 at the other table for a rewarding 15 IMPs.

1 Comment

Dave Memphis MOJOMay 12th, 2010 at 3:18 am

Nice job on running well in the 10K! I think I see you in the photo–the white tee shirt was a tip off.

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