What is your partnership agreement?
Playing IMP. Board 15 Dealer South. North-South Vulnerable.
You are East holding
East |
♠ Q95432 ♥ Q ◊ Q10765 ♣ 4 |
This is the auction.
West |
North |
East |
South |
1NT |
2S |
3NT |
pass |
pass |
pass |
Decide what you would lead before reading on.
What is your partnership agreement in this auction. Does the double of 3NT ask for a particular lead? Would it change your lead if partner did not double 3NT?
This hand came up at the Cavendish Invitational John Robert Teams Round 5 between Goren and O’Rourke. This Cavendish is on from the 6th May to the 10th May. The prize money this year for the winning team will be $43,450, 2nd $31,350, 3rd 21,450 and 4th $13,750.
Levin |
♠ AK6 |
♥ AK832 |
◊ 94 |
Wooldrige |
♣ Q103 |
Hurd |
♠ 8 |
♠ Q95432 |
♥ J954 |
♥ Q |
◊ AKJ8 |
◊ Q10765 |
♣ J975 |
Weinstein |
♣ 4 |
♠ J107 |
♥ 1076 |
◊ 32 |
♣ AK862 |
Unfortunately for the Goren team, Hurd led the spade four, dummy’s spade jack won the first trick. Bobby Levin finessed the club jack, ran five club tricks and and soon after thanks to a discarding error by the defense, made eleven tricks for plus 1150 and won 16 imps for the O’Rourke team!
At the other table East also made the two spades over call, but this time there was no double of three no trumps. East led the diamond six and declarer finished with seven tricks. Down two for a surprised gain on the board.
If your partnership agreement of the double of three no trumps ask for the leader to lead his own bid suit, then West can not double the final contract of three no trumps in this hand.